I've been using SQLAlchemy and reading about it for a few months now, and I don't get it. I don't mean I don't get SQLAlchemy, I've learned how to use it. But I don't get why people use it, and are actually enthousiastic about it.
I'm just writing this article because I can't seem to find any articles on the internet that are critical towards it, and I feel there should be one.
To explain why I don't like SQLAlchemy I will just go through all the advantages and disadvantages that are mentioned and respond to them.
Let's abbreviate SQLAlchemy to Alchemy and explain what Alchemy should do. It is an ORM (Object-Relation-Mapper, so it converts database records to Python objects, and the other way around), and it has a query generation language that allows you to write queries using method chaining. Alchemy changed it's syntax in version 2.
Is there an alternative to Alchemy? Yes you can use psycopg to perform plain SQL queries and manually write simple functions that create objects from database records.
I read SQLAlchemy 2 In Practice which is a good book, but the author doesn't even ask the question why we should use Alchemy, and implies that it is the only way to work with database. That got me thinking.
Grinberg actually wrote the book because he created a tutorial on Flask and found that most questions were asked about Alchemy:
Many of the questions are from developers that need to know how to do something a little more complex than what I present in the article, but are unable to figure it out how to do it on their own.
There could be instances where Alchemy might become inefficient. Therefore, knowing SQL is always desired.
When performance matters you will need to learn Alchemy from A to Z. Alchemy still allows you to use plain SQL queries, so this may be a way to escape.
Performance overhead: SQLAlchemy introduces a slight performance overhead compared to raw SQL queries. While this overhead is generally inconsequential for most applications, it may become a concern for high-performance scenarios.
Learning Curve: SQLAlchemy has a learning curve, particularly for developers new to ORMs. It takes some time to become proficient in SQLAlchemy’s API and concepts.
Believe me, it takes a lot of time. Alchemy has many fixes for problems it created itself. It is a completely different mental model you need to acquire and you need to switch between this model and the plain SQL model.
Additional disadvantages
These disadvantages come from me.
Alchemy diffuses domain model code with storage code.
It's good practice to separate domain model code with database storage code. It makes you aware of database queries and allows you to focus on them. Alchemy combines the two. It may create a database request when you just get an attribute. This is not a problem for a simple operation. But when you operate on thousands of objects, you will need to know exactly what Alchemy does internally, and make tweaks to the model to ensure that it performs the right kind of queries.
Asynchronous access
When developing asynchronous code for Alchemy, you need to make changes in a number of places to prevent Alchemy from making implicit database calls. Reading about that in Grinberg's book positively scared me.
Additional advantages
To be fair, Alchemy comes with a tool that is actually quite nice, and which is not often mentioned in the advantages I read. It's Alembic, the database migration tool that generates queries based on the changes to the model you make. This allows you to keep your model up to date and have Alembic take care of migrations.
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